MRASA offers a face-to-face counselling service for the refugee community.
This service is offered free (although donations are always welcome!) and
Our Causes
In this program, MRASA raises awareness of this vulnerable community and help raise materials necessary to go through this cold
MRASA has established an annual pre-Ramadan hamper distribution drive to assist the fasting refugees and needy with essential food items
In this project we identify a certain area and we gather our members together with other local organizations and area
At MRASA, we seek to make a difference in our communities by offering life skills training that will tap into
With our feeding program, we increasing get a number of refugees knocking on our doors for support. We cannot however
MRASA believes that giving a voice to diverse actors can truly promote inclusiveness. In the current Globalization discourse many actors
The prosperity of a nation depends on the degree of its investment in Education. The energy dissipated by this type
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Domestic Violence can be defined as physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological and economic
abuse. It included intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage of
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